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Successful Veteran of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Shows Executives How to Thrive in a Competitive Environment

A successful trader from the Eurodollar Options pit of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange shares stories and insights from his ten-year trading career. His journey to success on the trading floor came as a surprise in light of being underfunded and under-prepared for this hyper-competitive place that chewed up and spit out newcomers without regard. Yet success brought struggles of its own, including trying to hold on to his personal values and core identity. At the heart of his reflections, Leininger addresses the central question of how a person of faith can engage with integrity in a work environment that was blatantly hostile to that faith.

“This is more than just another rags-to-riches story. It is a deeply personal account of one trader’s struggle to master the challenges of the pit and the soul.”

T. Eric Kilcollin
CEO, President
Chicago Mercantile Exchange

“In a world of go, do, accomplish and attain, Leininger speaks to the still small voice inside that beckons us to listen, learn and ‘Know that I am God.'”

Steve Largent
U.S. Congressman & NFL Hall of Famer

“An interesting look at a major career transition through the eyes of a conscientious insider. Lessons from the Pit provides an insider’s view of a little-misunderstood industry—and why it looks better from the outside.”

Michael J. Birck

Dirt Clods and Donkeys

There is no wisdom without curiosity.
